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Understanding population dynamics requires spatio‐temporal variation in demography to be measured across appropriate spatial and temporal scales. However, the most appropriate spatial scale(s) may not be obvious, few datasets cover sufficient time periods, and key demographic rates are often incompletely measured. Consequently, it is often assumed that demography will be spatially homogeneous within populations that lack obvious subdivision. Here, we quantify small‐scale spatial and temporal variation in a key demographic rate, reproductive success (RS), within an apparently contiguous population of European starlings. We used hierarchical cluster analysis to define spatial clusters of nest sites at multiple small spatial scales and long‐term data to test the hypothesis that small‐scale spatio‐temporal variation in RS occurred. RS was measured as the number of chicks alive ca. 12 days posthatch either per first brood or per nest site per breeding season (thereby incorporating multiple breeding attempts). First brood RS varied substantially among spatial clusters and years. Furthermore, the pattern of spatial variation was stable across years; some nest clusters consistently produced more chicks than others. Total seasonal RS also varied substantially among spatial clusters and years. However, the magnitude of variation was much larger and the pattern of spatial variation was no longer temporally consistent. Furthermore, the estimated magnitude of spatial variation in RS was greater at smaller spatial scales. We thereby demonstrate substantial spatial, temporal, and spatio‐temporal variation in RS occurring at very small spatial scales. We show that the estimated magnitude of this variation depended on spatial scale and that spatio‐temporal variation would not have been detected if season‐long RS had not been measured. Such small‐scale spatio‐temporal variation should be incorporated into empirical and theoretical treatments of population dynamics.  相似文献   
Stems of cottonwood ( Populs deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.) plants grown under different conditions were examined to determine the relation between net endogenous auxin yields and the acropetal advance of the primary-secondary vascular transition zone (TZ). In all treatments, the internode yielding maximum net auxin activity, as determined by the Avena curvature bioassay, closely corresponded with the internode in which the TZ occurred. Under short-day (SD) dormancy-inducing conditions, auxin yield declined steadily while the maximum auxin peak and the TZ shifted toward younger internodes. Auxin yields from these plants were extremely low after 5 weeks of SD compared with those from long-day (LD) plants. The only consistent auxin yield was obtained from internodes subtending young leaves beneath the apical bud. Plants placed in SD for 3 weeks and then returned to LD conditions showed an immediate increase in auxin yield in the stem, and the progressive acropetal advance of the TZ under SD was reversed. Therefore, within 7 LD the positions of the TZ and peak auxin yield corresponded to those observed before the imposition of SD Fully dormant plants placed in LD showed a dramatic rise in auxin yields during the first 2 weeks of renewed growth. Although low levels of auxin were found in the newly developing shoots after 6 LD, yields increased rapidly after 9 and 14 LD. The position of the TZ corresponded with the peak of net auxin activity after 9 and 14 LD.  相似文献   

Desert plant species commonly use seed dormancy to prevent germination during unfavorable environmental conditions and thus increase the probability of seedling survival. Seed dormancy presents a challenge for restoration ecology, particularly in desert species for which our knowledge of dormancy regulation is limited. In the present study the effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) and potassium nitrate (KNO3) on seed dormancy release was investigated on eight Arabian desert species. Both treatments significantly enhanced the germination of most species tested. GA3 was more effective than KNO3 in enhancing germination percentage, reducing mean germination time and synchronizing the germination in most of the studied species. Light requirement during germination was species-specific, but in general the presence of light promoted germination more effectively when combined with KNO3 and GA3. The wide variation in dormancy and germination requirements among the tested species is indicative of distinct germination niches, which might assist their co-existence in similar habitat/environmental conditions. Seed pre-treatments that optimize germination in this habitat must therefore be assessed for individual species to improve the outcomes of ecological restoration.  相似文献   
研究了云南萝芙木(Rauvolfia yunnanensis)种子吸水及内源萌发抑制物特性,探讨了赤霉素浓度、温度和光照对种子萌发的影响。结果表明:云南萝芙木新鲜饱满种子28℃和31℃/22℃光照或黑暗下1个月内不萌发,种子胚已分化发育完全,种皮透水,种仁含有萌发抑制物,GA可促进种子萌发,说明云南萝芙木种子具有浅度生理休眠。400-1800mg·L-1是打破云南萝芙木种子休眠的适宜GA处理浓度范围。云南萝芙木种子的适宜萌发温度范围为22~2822和31℃/22℃变温,28%发芽指数最高,1023种子不萌发。云南萝芙木种子在周期性光照和全黑暗下均可萌发,但31℃和31℃/22℃下周期性光照促进种子萌发。  相似文献   
1. The development of periphytic algae and bacteria is controlled by a combination of interacting biotic processes and abiotic factors. Distinguishing between the selection pressure resulting from pollution and that of natural environmental factors is therefore one of the most critical aspects of assessing the impact of pollutants on the diversity and function of benthic microbial communities in natural ecosystems. 2. We studied how current velocity and season affect the ability of river biofilms to cope with complex chemical pollution. We compared the diversity, structure and production of periphytic algae and bacteria from four sampling zones with differing chemical water quality levels and different flow velocities over the course of two seasons (summer and winter). 3. The three factors tested all influenced biofilm development, but this depended on the biological variable being measured. Bacterial and algal densities were highly dependent on season and chemical water quality. Algal density was lower in summer than in winter, but bacterial density and production increased from upstream (reference) to downstream (polluted), and this increase was more marked in winter. The impact of chemical water quality was also dependent on the season. 4. An interaction between current velocity and pollution was also detected. During the summer, there was no difference in bacterial density or production between the upstream and downstream segments in the fast current zones, whereas both variables were higher downstream in the slow current zones. Such interactions between environmental factors and the impact of water quality on biofilms must be taken into account in assessments of the effects of chemicals on biofilm community structure and functioning in rivers.  相似文献   
九龙江河口浮游植物的时空变动及主要影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王雨  林茂  陈兴群  林更铭 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3399-3414
于2009年春(5月)、夏(8月)、秋(11月)在九龙江河口水域进行了水文、化学和生物的生态完全示范区综合外业调查,研究了九龙江河口浮游植物的种类组成、密度分布、季节变化、空间差异及主要影响因素,并结合前期资料分析了年际变动。结果表明,九龙江河口的浮游植物共记录7个门类75属134种。主体是硅藻,绿藻次之,甲藻和蓝藻较少,黄藻检出率高,裸藻和金藻零星检出。种类组成的空间差异大,绿藻在河口内区淡水水域比硅藻更占优势, 中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、短角弯角藻(Eucampia zodiacus)、圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus spp.)、颗粒直链藻(Melosira granulata)、微小小环藻(Cyclotella. caspia)是河口区咸淡水水域及近海区的主要种类。浮球藻(Planktosphneria gelotinosa)、栅藻(Scenedesmus spp.)、盘星藻(Pediastrim spp.)、小席藻(Phormidium tenus)是河口内区淡水水域的主要种类。根据浮游植物的生态类型及其生境特征大致可分为三大类群。浮游植物密度夏季最高,平均为358.68103cells/L,密集中心的季节变化明显,密度分布由优势类群的密度分布决定。中肋骨条藻和短角弯角藻的数量庞大,导致优势种突出,多样性降低,种间分布不均匀,群落结构简单化。与史料比对,种类组成因淡水藻类的列入而更丰富,密度年际降低,中肋骨条藻仍是第一优势种,但优势度有较大降幅,优势类群有重大年际变化,细胞个体较小的种类占优。盐度和营养盐对浮游植物的分布及密度变化造成极大的时空差异,存在线性、复合线性、多项回归等复杂的相关关系。  相似文献   
朱道弘  张超  谭荣鹤 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4365-4371
中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis为重要的水稻害虫,在我国除青海、西藏、新疆、内蒙古等未见报道外,南起海南北至东北均有分布,在许多的分布区域1年发生1代。为探索中华稻蝗长沙种群的生活史及其季节适应特征,通过野外和实验室的研究,调查了其发生代数、孵化率和卵滞育率的季节变化及越冬卵的存活率。结果显示,中华稻蝗长沙种群为1年2代和1年1代混合发生:第1代卵产卵后大部分孵化为若虫而1年完成2代,但亦有19.4% -4.1%的卵不孵化而1年只能完成1世代。第1代成虫于6月上旬至8月上旬羽化,6月下旬至8月中旬产卵;第2代若虫于7月初开始孵化,9-10月羽化为成虫,10月上旬至11月下旬产卵。在室外自然条件下,中华稻蝗长沙种群6-8月(第1代)和10-11月(第2代)所产卵块均为部分滞育,滞育率为30%左右,皆无显著差异。然而,其卵滞育率在12月以后显著降低,仅为6.6%或以下,卵滞育快速地得以解除。因此,包括非滞育卵和滞育解除卵,中华稻蝗长沙种群的越冬卵皆以非滞育状态度过其后的寒冷季节。即使是遭遇长江流域2007年末至 2008年初异常寒冷的冬季,在长沙地区越冬后其卵的存活率亦在98%以上。非滞育状态的中华稻蝗长沙种群越冬卵完全能安全地越冬,其滞育的发生并非是为了提高其耐寒性而安全度过不适环境。并探讨了中华稻蝗长沙种群卵滞育的进化意义。  相似文献   
Polyphenisms—the expression of discrete phenotypic morphs in response to environmental variation—are examples of phenotypic plasticity that may potentially be adaptive in the face of predictable environmental heterogeneity. In the butterfly Bicyclus anynana, we examine the hormonal regulation of phenotypic plasticity that involves divergent developmental trajectories into distinct adult morphs for a suite of traits as an adaptation to contrasting seasonal environments. This polyphenism is induced by temperature during development and mediated by ecdysteroid hormones. We reared larvae at separate temperatures spanning the natural range of seasonal environments and measured reaction norms for ecdysteroids, juvenile hormones (JHs) and adult fitness traits. Timing of peak ecdysteroid, but not JH titres, showed a binary response to the linear temperature gradient. Several adult traits (e.g. relative abdomen mass) responded in a similar, dimorphic manner, while others (e.g. wing pattern) showed a linear response. This study demonstrates that hormone dynamics can translate a linear environmental gradient into a discrete signal and, thus, that polyphenic differences between adult morphs can already be programmed at the stage of hormone signalling during development. The range of phenotypic responses observed within the suite of traits indicates both shared regulation and independent, trait-specific sensitivity to the hormone signal.  相似文献   
2008年11月—2009年10月,在盐城自然保护区射阳河口潮间带按月份对大型底栖动物群落进行取样。共得到大型底栖动物16种,隶属3门4纲15科,为软体动物、节肢动物甲壳类和环节动物多毛类,其中,潮间带米草丛6种,高潮带光滩7种,中潮带光滩13种,低潮带光滩7种。对潮间带各样点的物种数、密度、生物量以及不同样点的生物多样性指数Margalef指数(S)、Shannon指数(H)、Pielou指数(J)和Simpson指数(D)进行样点-季节间无重复双因素方差分析,发现样点间物种数、密度和生物量差异极显著(所有P<0.01),三者季节间差异均不显著;样点间H、D和S差异显著(所有P<0.05),季节间差异均不显著;而季节间和样点间J差异均不显著。对四季4个样点的群落进行聚类和排序分析发现,中、高潮带光滩界限不明显,潮间带米草丛和低潮带光滩界限明显。结果表明:生境条件的不同是潮间带大型底栖动物群落组成差异的主要原因,同一生境大型底栖动物群落季节间差异不显著。  相似文献   
贮藏条件对河西走廊四种旱生灌木种子萌发的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同贮藏条件下,探讨了河西走廊枸杞(Lycium barbarum)、黑果枸杞(L.rutheni-cum)、花棒(Hedysarum scorpaium)和泡果白刺(Nitraria sphaerocarpa)4种旱生灌木种子萌发情况。结果表明:枸杞、黑果枸杞和花棒种子萌发对贮藏条件有一致性的响应,即经过低温湿润(-5℃和4℃)贮藏后有较高的萌发率、较快的萌发速度和较早的萌发开始时间,贮藏条件对泡果白刺的种子萌发(<30%)的影响较小;冬季冷屋贮藏后(-5℃,湿润)的枸杞种子萌发率(68%)显著大于冰箱贮藏(4℃,湿润)和室温干燥贮藏(<20%);冰箱和冬季冷屋贮藏后黑果枸杞种子萌发率约80%,室温干燥贮藏后萌发率仅为5%;冰箱和冬季冷屋贮藏后的花棒种子萌发率达到88%和65%,干燥贮藏后为40%。低温层积(-5℃和4℃)是打破枸杞、花棒和黑果枸杞种子休眠的有效方法之一。  相似文献   
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